random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Saturday, February 26, 2005

should this be a sketch on SNL??

Yesterday I wanted to buy a pop because my throat was hurting, as I went to the pop machine I noticed the sign that the machine was broken....I was visibly annoyed and a few staff in the lounge joined in on my frustration. Another staff member who I work very closely with offered to sell me a pop she had in her office. SELL(?!?!?!) me a pop?...."hold on" I tell myself maybe it is a bottle of pop that she paid a couple of dollars for. I decline because I thought that was the tackiest thing I have ever heard. This is a woman who goes from office to office asking for a quarter, nickel, whatever she needs to buy herself a pop, and who often mooches from others when she likes something they have. Later I saw her with the pop, a lousy aluminum can of diet Coke. Not a fancy bottle or something that would have been expensive or worth the money of someone "buying" it from her. IT WAS SOOOOO ANNOYING!

Am I wrong in finding this completely irritating?

Sunday, February 20, 2005


I HATE it when I (or anyone else for that matter) is sick and people around me say things such as "don't get me sick" or "stay away from me, I cannot afford to get sick". I think it is absolutely rude and selfish. Not shaking hands, sharing cups or keeping a safe but polite distance is acceptable BUT to verbalize an absolutely selfish comment in response to someone else's illness is very annoying to me. Be polite and discrete with your discomfort around someone who is sick...show some compassion, buy them some tissues, soup and if it makes you feel better, some hand sanitizer. But PLEASE do not make them feel any worse by verbally informing them that they are not welcome around you.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


I hate shaving but love waxing, I give foster children extra hugs, I pay extra positive attention to little girls who are not pretty, I don't wear white underwear, I try not to wear mascara on weekends.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

kOrN nUtS

How annoying is that title....mispelling corn to make you think that there may be a musical reference in this post, mixing up the cases of the letters...all dedicated to my sister who will go BONKERS when she sees it...tee hee hee.

who eats corn nuts from a vending machine? i would have wondered this before today, but now I know the answer: people who are off of sweets for lent and still want a snack....corn nuts...they were very enjoyable today.

people here call all pop COKE, they will say "hey, want a coke?" you will say "yes" and they will say "what kind, dr. pepper or orange"

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I have a staring problem

I am sitting in a bakery on a cloudy Sunday morning. Sitting at this computer has set me up to look at the people parking and walking in, and I just realized that I have a staring problem. It is especially because they cannot really see me watching them walk in here, somehow I seem to enjoy the extra seconds that this hidden spot buys me to watch and analyze their dress, their body language, the relationship that they are in with the person beside them.

I have the boyfriend at home sleeping, I slipped out to church and came here to finish a book: Inside the Kingdom by Carmen Bin Ladin. I would have never purchased or sought out this book but it was recommended by my dear friend Amy and she has proven to me over and over to be a good book-recommender. I got completely sucked in and read it quickly. I have a lot of thoughts on Saudi culture and have that typical struggle between falling for a completely ethnocentric view of outrage and an attempt to be open minded. My own personal limits for being ethnocentric is when freedoms is inhibited, then I allow myself to harshly critique a culture, though this does come with a dose of guilt.

Next subject ~ I am very cool~ and the proof is in the paint. I have had THREE paintings done of me, at the request of the artist. One belly painting and two butt paintings, clothes on of course, but the paintings are very feminine and womanly, they make me proud of my curves. I rarely feel cool, but when I was at the art show I felt COOL, maybe pleased, proud, confident and impressed are better words, but I am reserving the right to feel cool. These painting are for sale, a mere $1400.00, YIKES! All of his paintings radiate feminine beauty and I am proud to represent. I like to think that I was a muse, how COOL is that? He usually only paints two per woman (muse) but I inspired three, again . . . COOL. This has been added to my life list of cool things that have happened to me.

Karma - the title of this submission has come full circle, I had a strange feeling someone was watching me and I turned my head to see an old man with a pony tail STARING at me. Karma

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Saturday, February 05, 2005

making drugs

I attended a meth lab training. It was so that people that do home visits, like me, would be able to identify a meth lab if we saw one. We saw tons of gross pictures, heard crazy stories, and learned how these people make the stuff. All night I had dreams about criminals. These dreams weren't scary, actually they were quite adventurous. I woke up exhausted from these dreams. It must take a lot of energy to be held hostage in a dream.

This meth stuff is crazy, seems way worse than any other drug. The user's bodies are just rotting away. The drug was invented by a Nazi, go figure.
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