random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Saturday, September 17, 2005

proud foster mother

This is my second foster situation....first was a litter of CRAZY kittens and now a starved minpin. Even my sister is in love with him. We are going to fatten him up and socialize him so he is adoptable for a family.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

so much for stereotypes

I attended a Bar Mitzvah this weekend. My husband was reflecting on the various weddings in his family over the years. He told me how good the food was at one of the interfaith weddings, "well, you know when Jews and Italians get together, the food has to be good", I then mentioned that I am not sure Jews are noted for their food, he said, "Ya, you're right, it is more that they like to feast", I then asked what type of food was served, I am assuming some wonderful Italian spread....

He paused and then laughed

"Chinese food!".....so much for Jews and Italian.
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