random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I feel queezy

the opposite of a compliment

I was walking into Sams...there was a car idling in the fire lane outside the entrance. I recognized the guy in the car...he goes to my church. He is in his forties I think and gives me the creeps, no good reason, just women's intuition. He waved for me to come over, I think he needs directions...or maybe he recognizes me. So I go to his car and he says "Oh, I was just waving for you to cross"

"Okay" I say and begin to walk.

"Nice to meet you, have a nice day" he says. I smile and nod. I feel dumb...but realize he totally did not do the "cross the street" wave, it was a "come here, I need directions" wave, he clearly does not know wave etiquette....

I move on, a little creeped out. As I view the jute rugs I have been eyeing for weeks, I get a tap on the shoulder. It is him. He says "my name is __________. What is yours?" I tell him. He says "Well I wanted to introduce myself, it is nice to see a friendly face" He is shaking my hand the whole time. He makes a very indiscreet glance at my left ring finger...which has my wedding ring. It is not traditional, but correct finger which means I have a big burly husband. "Are you a student?" he asks, "Nope, I am all grown up" I say, not wanting to volunteer any extra information." He looks at my ring again. "Are you married?" "Yes" I reply. "Well, nice meeting you" and he walks off. I totally had the willies. I feel guilty for having the willies, but he was totally creepy, and he is OLD. There is sexy old and gross old. Maybe if he had been, oh, let's say George Clooney, I would have over looked the age difference. And he thought I was a student, extra creepy. What if I was not married, would he have asked me to dinner? Gross.

Why couldn't cute young guys ask me if I am married?


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