random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I am so square

I had a situation this morning that reminded me how square I really am:

I went grocery shopping at about 9AM, I just needed to purchase a few things. I approached the check-out line and noticed that I was in the line for 15 items or less, I glance down, do a quick estimate, maybe 13 items in my basket, I am good to go.

The checker makes a point to me and the lady behind me "you both are under 15 items right?, we both say yes. Then I do a real count, or a better estimate, I may have about 17 items, there are two other customers behind me...do I make a production and have them move so I go to another line...I feel lucky so I stay in line. Plus, one of the items is a tiny envelope of seasoning, that should not really count as a whole item..tee hee hee.

I was ready to get reprimanded, she scans, nothing, I pay, nothing...I am almost home free. Then as she hands me my receipt, she is supposed to circle my savings and tell me the amount I saved that day....INSTEAD she circles the number of items.....19......I say "uh oh" and try to look surprised and haul it out of there. I bothered me the whole ride home, she thinks I am a sneaky person. I feel a little dishonest....and then I think WHO THE HELL CARES, she should have said nothing and let it go.....but let's face it, I am so square, I feel a tad guilty, I got this from my mom.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentimmmmmes

I have heard several adults say Valentimmmmmmes today, with a "M". I personally say it that way now and again because it is fun BUT I know the correct way to say it. I don't think these adult are doing it as a joke. I just giggle to myself at how funny it is to hear them say it.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I know it has been a while, I have had a busy month! We bought a new house, and are trying to sell the current one...my house is so very clean and tidy right now. Realtors drop by with a moments notice. We move in March.

Now the bad news...my beloved Arnold, the best dog in the world is going blind. He has PRA. We are horribly sad, it hurts to see him bump into things, he seems happy enough. He is only 4 years old.
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