I HATE it when I (or anyone else for that matter) is sick and people around me say things such as "don't get me sick" or "stay away from me, I cannot afford to get sick". I think it is absolutely rude and selfish. Not shaking hands, sharing cups or keeping a safe but polite distance is acceptable BUT to verbalize an absolutely selfish comment in response to someone else's illness is very annoying to me. Be polite and discrete with your discomfort around someone who is some compassion, buy them some tissues, soup and if it makes you feel better, some hand sanitizer. But PLEASE do not make them feel any worse by verbally informing them that they are not welcome around you.
At Monday, February 21, 2005 3:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Agreed. Especially because when you're sick, you need some extra TLC, not people treating you like you have cooties.
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