random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Saturday, July 23, 2005

I really saw a leprechaun

I am writing from Ireland, Galway to be exact. So far I have several near death moments in the passenger seat of the rental car....the sister is a fabulous driver BUT I get really spooked by seeing cars come from different direction. GORGEOUS scenery, super nice people and NO STREET SIGNS...I am for real...what is the point of a map if you don't know which street is which.

Ranting aside, the Irish dancing and music are outstanding, food is good, accents are charming and the hotels/B&Bs are great ( I booked them, tee hee hee). I am not in much culture shock, there is a very diverse atmosphere due to the EU influence...I don't feel like I am on another planet and I kinda wanted to feel like that.

Three more days to go!

PS. Lots of Elana hair here, tee hee hee.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I don't need a bracelet...

I don't need a bracelet to tell you I want a cure for cancer, I don't need to see a bracelet on your wrist to know that you probably do too. Most people have been touched by cancer, most people want a cure, most people need a gimmick to donate a lousy dollar for cancer research....this drives me mad. Why do we need a world concert to raise awareness for poverty? Most people see poverty....oh, wait, you probably turn the channel...but you won't turn the channel from a concert, I get it. Why do the people who live some of the most gluttonous lifestyles want to raise awareness for poverty? Don't worry, I DO UNDERSTAND the value of raising awareness, I know it is critical and important BUT I hate that we need gimmicks I JUST PLAIN HATE IT. It is pathetic, I guess that is because we are human, we want a token, a trinket, to be entertained, then donations and protests are worth it. I see both sides, I promise you I do, I am torn, torn between wanting to watch the concerts and admiring the marketing of these bracelets and between being livid that this is what it takes to make change, that people dying is not enough to motivate people into change.
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