random ramblings

sometimes useless nothings, sometimes brilliant thoughts

Saturday, November 19, 2005

little old lady

The jogging is on pause...Last week I had the worst lower back pain EVER....it was horrible. There is no proof what caused it, I thought maybe the jogging, how sad would that be, pathetic really. BUT my new handsome chiropractor has already helped me, and the jogging will start up again when he says it is okay.

I saw Derailed last night....overall a BAD movie, I was scared but also annoyed the whole time, horrible directing, script, acting (especially the main guy, whose British accent kept slipping through), don't waste your money on this one.

Friday, November 11, 2005


I have been inspired. Intially I was inspired by Elana, who blogs about running and enjoying it, even in crappy weather....then Laurie sealed the deal, she and I are not natural endurance athletes and now she is running 5K. So I have started...I found a training plan "couch to 5K". Sounds perfect to me. Today is my second run, so far so good :)

Here is where I found the plan.

Laurie, we can maybe run when I see you at Christmas.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

chones and feathers

Chone (cho-knee) is the slang spanish word for underwear, and I have found the BEST chones ever!!! No joke, you cannot even feel you are wearing them. Check them out

cute story, I colored and cut my hair the other day. After styling it on my own, I was uncertain if my flat iron had done my layers justice. While sitting at a basketball game I ask him "How do my layers look". Without even turning his head to look at my hair, he says "I have know idea what layers are but they look good".
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