glutton for torture
Yesterday my friend Juliet and I decided to meet at 8:00am to try out a new Yoga studio (note: this was 8:00am on a Saturday morning, that gets me extra points right?). Aside from the instructor introducing us as newbies, it was pretty obvious. I entered the 107.5 degree room (no exaggeration here) and experienced a few seconds of adjustment. This type of yoga ( I forget the name) is done in high heat to sweat more and have warmer muscles. A half an hour into the class I ran to the bathroom to throw-up....had the bathroom not been air conditioned, I think I would have. But my body cooled down and I felt better, so I returned to the 107.5 room to finish the second the one hour mark I started to get excited that we were going to finish soon, but she kept teaching, and kept teaching, then it hit me, the class is 1.5 hours ...but I am a warrior (one of my favorite poses) and finished this class, and plan to go back on Monday. I am hoping to not feel like barfing. Oh ya, the others in the class.....there was one guy wearing only short-shorts, bald and shiny, I saw big drops of sweat dripping off of him (gross). There were a couple other hippies in the class who were not one bit shy at making the weird breathing noises and also not shy about some noised I think were farts. I am very sore this mornings, my husband thinks that is funny since it was just "Yoga", I would pay him a million bucks to last through the soon as he felt the heat he would turn around and leave.
At Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:47:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
interesting.. i've always been curious about bikram (that's the name you were searching for) yoga but was concerned about feeling repulsed by strong body odors while sweating.. i'll stick to my hatha for mind mellowing strength building strechiness, but good luck!
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